[mythtvnz] DNLA/UPnP server

Jean-Francois Pirus jfp at clearfield.com
Fri Dec 4 08:44:02 GMT 2009

 > And of course, the raw filenames that minidlna serves up
 > are pretty useless for working out which program is which

To fix the filenames, set this up as an hourly cron job

# Pretty up the TV program names into human readable format
# This is just a wrapper script around the mythrename script
# and is used to get the arguments right
# Ensure the environment is set properly
#export HOME
#. /etc/profile
su mythuser -c "/usr/bin/mythrename.pl"

I'm not running Ubuntu, so you'll probably have to tweak it.

And in the script you can change the format
This is the one I use:
     $dformat = '%T %- %y%m%d-%H%i %- %cN';

Here's an example of what I get:

Drawn Together - 091119-2238 - Prime.mpg
Eleventh Hour - 091029-2028 - TV ONE.mpg
Fringe - 091027-2313 - TV2.mpg
Grey's Anatomy - 091130-1328 - TV2.mpg
Miss Congeniality 2- Armed And Fabulous - 091128-2028 - TV2.mpg
Mythbusters - 091204-1158 - Prime.mpg
NCIS - 091025-2028 - TV3.mpg
New Tricks - 091104-2259 - TV ONE.mpg
Out Of Time - 091128-2249 - TV2.mpg
Pushing Daisies - 091026-2229 - TV2.mpg
Pushing Daisies - 091123-2228 - TV2.mpg
Shark - 091031-0013 - TV3.mpg
Sunday Theatre- Hunter - 091026-2029 - TV ONE.mpg
The Last Templar - 091118-2029 - TV2.mpg
The Mentalist - 091026-2029 - TV2.mpg

Jean-Francois Pirus     <jfp at clearfield.com>           Technical Manager
Phone (+64-9)  358 2081                          Clearfield Software Ltd
Fax   (+64-9)  358 2083                    1st Floor 8-10 Whitaker Place
Mob   (+64-21) 640 779                P O Box 3901 Auckland, New Zealand

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