[mythtvnz] A few MythTV questions

David Zanetti dave2 at wetstring.net
Thu Oct 16 03:01:20 BST 2008

On Tue, 2008-10-14 at 09:51 +1300, Nick Rout wrote:
> What hardware h.264 acceleration? There is no such thing in linux. For
> reasons why not, go ask nVidia.

Diverging a little bit, but..

It's not entirely nvidia's fault. XvMC is not suitable for various parts
of h.264 which need to be accelerated, so either hacks are applied to
XvMC (ugly) or something else is used.

The same situation exists with Intel and ATI GPUs even if they have
completely open source drivers like the Intel ones do.

Intel's VA-API *might* fix this *if* everyone agrees that's the API to
use, but as even Intel's own drivers don't do this, there's not a lot of
pressure for anyone else to do it.

Should Intel start shipping open source drivers which implement VA-API
well, Linux gets h.264 accell pretty quickly from at least Intel GPUs,
and likely other people will follow.

Even more divergent, any chance there will be a h.264 accell update from
Intel at the MythTV miniconf?

David Zanetti <dave2 at wetstring.net>
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