[mythtvnz] Rig Recommendations

Steve Hodge stevehodge at gmail.com
Tue May 6 03:06:01 BST 2008

On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 12:41 PM, Sam Banks <dodgywhitemaori at gmail.com>

> I want this to be silent! That is one of the prime objectives, aside from
> power of course.

If you want silent then you really need to run a separate backend and have
the frontend diskless. You'll probably need watercooling to build a silent
frontend capable of HD though.

Personally I think completely silent is pointless. Just keep it as quiet as
possible: fanless video card, only one drive, quiet powersupply and CPU fan.
This is what I've done and the loudest component is the 500GB SATA drive
when it's in use. But I can't hear it over the TV so it's fine.

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