[mythtvnz] Help with Skystar 2 PCI card

Hadley Rich mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Wed Sep 19 01:31:58 BST 2007

On Wednesday 19 September 2007 12:20:32 Steven Ellis wrote:
> Actually a really good test of your card and LNB is 12519 H+V
> (see http://www.lyngsat.com/optusd1.html for details)
> At the moment Sky transmit on both H + V for this setting.
> for my Universal LNB I'd run the following
> mythtv@mythtv:~/dvb$  dvbtune -c 1 -t 1 -f 1919000 -s 22500 -D 0 -p h -m
> Using DVB card "ST STV0299 DVB-S"
> tuning DVB-S to L-Band:8, Pol:H Srate=22500000, 22kHz=off
> ERROR setting tone
> : Invalid argument

Are you trying to turn on tone with that "-t 1"? If so it should be "-tone 1". 
The man page is incorrect and therefore so are most examples you see around 
the 'net.


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