[mythtvnz] Second Skystar cannot get lock on TV3 transponder

Nick Rout nick.rout at gmail.com
Fri Nov 9 20:20:48 GMT 2007

I put a second skystar 2 in my backend/frontend combo. I successfully
scanned channels and set them up etc, it scanned successfully  on both
freeview transponders.

However now it won't lock to the 12483 transponder on the second card
only. In the OSD where it reports lock etc instead of the normal
message it says

Signal 78% | S/N 4.7dB | BE 0 | (L_s) Partial Lock

until it times out.

On a successful lock the end bit is (LMS) - on the unsuccessful the
"s" is lower case and the "M" becomes an underscore.

Where to from here? I have a sky box and the two skystar's on an old
fashioned sky dish with the older style LNB (11300).

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