[mythtvnz] nice EPG

Simon Green mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Fri, 25 May 2007 12:27:40 +1200

On 25/05/07, Steven Ellis <steven@openmedia.co.nz> wrote:
> Doesn't really matter.
> 1. The listings file is quite large

At nearly a megabyte, that is a constant 128kB/s stream of data that
could be used elsewhere :)

> Has anyone seen Sky's EPG data change regularly during the day as I
> haven't. Most of their data changes every 24 hours.

Yes, it quite often changes during the day on the sports channels.
Definitely seen it twice for a NZ game at the cricket world cup, and
when a league game was delayed due to a storm and a power cut at the
stadium (can't remember the exact game. but it was a Saturday
afternoon). That change was made minutes before the program was due to
start, and changed back about five minutes later when coverage began.

  -- simon