[mythtvnz] Newbie setting up a rig - Freeview and capture card config questions

Matt Poff mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Fri, 11 May 2007 15:24:03 +1200

Nick Rout wrote:
> 1. get a skystar for DVB-S.
> 2. if you do want analogue the pvr-150 or 500 will do a good job, but if
> your reception is dodgy, I see little point...

Much appreciated. Probably didn't make myself clear enough sorry. The 
additional cards are to enable simultaneous recording of multiple 
channels, time shifted recording etc. I'm unsure whether it's required 
to have a tuner for each encoding and decoding task I want to do 
simultaneously. So, for example, if I wanted to capture two channels off 
the Skystar simultaneously, is there a way to route one to a PVR card 
for encoding while the skystar encodes the first or would I need two 
skystar cards?

I just thought I could put off the Skystar/dish purchase until the bank 
account has recovered and use a PVR card in the meantime with 
terrrestrial but I don't want to buy something that's going to become 

Cheers again,