[mythtvnz] Skystar2 group order?

Craig Whitmore mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Wed, 9 May 2007 11:05:18 +1200

> I have approached Technisat out of interest of selling them on our site, 
> they
> referred me to the guy who sells them Trademe. He seems like a really nice
> guy but it wasn't worth it for us to purchase them through him. I could 
> get
> them cheaper from dvbshop.

Yes. on dvbshop they cost $87 NZ + shipping so the $145 NZper unit is quite 
expensive. You could say get them in bulk maybe for ~$100NZ with shipping 
(and dvbshop is a retail shop ). (And they may not be the cheapest)

Does the guy on trademe have a website? which he sells them off-trademe?
