[mythtvnz] Freeview and Sky

Steven Ellis mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Thu, 03 May 2007 20:00:14 +1200

Karl Leaning wrote:
> Ok, just a little noobie question...
> Using the standard dish one would use for Freeview and a Skystar card,
> what else are you able to receive? I ask as I am in the middle of
> assembling a myth box and if I can access other channels that could be
> interesting...
With the right arm you can get B3 and C1 on a standard dish, but all of
the signals on C1 need a decryption card.

See freeviewshop.co.nz for details.

Steven Ellis - Technical Director
OpenMedia Limited
email   - steven@openmedia.co.nz
sales   - sales@openmedia.co.nz
support - support@openmedia.co.nz
website - http://www.openmedia.co.nz