[mythtvnz] Problems tuning channels

Daniel McKenzie mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Thu, 08 Mar 2007 14:09:03 +1300

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<font face="Franklin Gothic Medium">Hi all,<br>
I have a TechniSat SkyStar 2 in a Linux box with MythTV 0.20. A
standard Sky dish is installed.<br>
I set up the LNB to Universal (Voltage &amp; Tone) and set the LOF
switch to 1, High to 11300 and Low to 11300.<br>
I then went to the channel editor, and went to do a Full Scan (Tuned)
inputting 12483000 as the frequency, leaving the band at horizontal,
and putting in 22500000 as the symbol rate. Went Next, all was fine, it
picked up all the channels there no problems.<br>
But, when I go into mythfrontend and select Watch TV, it just sits
there saying "No Lock" with the signal usually staying around 70-80%
(sometimes dropping as low as 30%) and then failing.<br>
I have set it up before, but I think it was pulling down the signal
from the Sky band or something. What have I done wrong?<br>