[mythtvnz] Streaming ShineTV

AlanP mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Fri, 23 Feb 2007 16:33:44 +1300

Does anyone have any experience with getting ShineTV to stream through 
broadband on one's Mythbox?

I tracked down from their site www.shinetv.co.nz that their feed is located 
at http://www.r2.co.nz/meta/shinetv-384.asx . I tried plugging it into the 
various streaming thingies in Myth, with no joy. The box itself has 
Internet connectivity.

Alan Podjursky                  ICQ 24423014
"Yay, evil evil! Happy torture!" -- Gwyneth
"When in doubt, use brute force." -- Ken Thompson