[mythtvnz] Mythbackend NO crashes

Wade Maxfield mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Wed, 13 Sep 2006 13:24:35 +1200

>AlanP wrote:
>>  At 11:55 a.m. 13/09/2006, you wrote:
>>>Well, I've just done a 3 hour DVB recording off TV One using the 12671
>>>transponder, and mythbackend was very well behaved.  No swap used and at
>>>the end of it all mythbackend is using less than 4% (according to top
>>>  %MEM).
>>>I'm going to set my DVB card back to a higher priority and see how it
>>>  goes...
>>  Same here, two hours of Coro in a single entry, rather than four or five.
>>  (I wasn't kidding about taping Coro. It keeps Mum happy.) It would seem
>>  that TVNZ's feed is back to normal on 12671, dunno about the others.
>So what have you all changed then?

The only things I've done that should affect this are:

1. When the problems were happening, I set my DVB card to priority -1 
so it wouldn't get used.
2. Last night I set it back to priority 4 so it would be used 
whenever possible.

I have however installed Xine from Livna, and w32codecs so I can get 
MythVideo working with the recordings I archive with nuvexport.   But 
that should not affect DVB recordings as far as I can tell.

  - Wade