[mythtvnz] Myth DVD creation

Andrew Ruthven mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Tue, 21 Nov 2006 16:57:53 +1300

Hi Steven,

On Tue, 2006-11-21 at 16:01 +1300, Steven Ellis wrote:
> Andrew Ruthven wrote:
> > The backend now has a tendency to crash, whereas with 0.19 I had no
> > issues (I'm not using DVB-S yet).  And while watching recorded shows,
> > the frontend will sometimes lock up, this is repeatable with the same
> > shows.

> I'm pretty much at the same SVN fixes level as you and my setup is rock
> solid. A couple of questions.


> 1. What CPU have you got?

The backend is a PIII 500MHz (I have a 800EB waiting to be swapped into
the case).  512MB of RAM.

the frontend is a Via Epia M10000.  256MB of RAM.

> 2. Are you running 64bit or 32bit - there are a couple of 64bit issues

All 32bit.  All my hardware at home is *far* to old to be 64bit!  :(

> 3. What capture cards do you have?

Hauppauge PVR250 and a SkyStar2 which is not connected to a dish, but is
still configured in MythTV.

> 4. What settings are you using for playback - I needed a extra XvMC patch
> to sort out some problems

I'm using XvMC to use the MPEG2 H/W decoder on the Via.  The picture is
being deinterlaced, but no custom filters are being used.  I found that
the OpenGL stuff just completely failed to work, and haven't had time to
work out why, so I'm just using the QT painter.  I'm not sure if there
is anything else you want here...

Do you mind letting me know which patch you needed?


Andrew Ruthven, Wellington, New Zealand
At home: andrew@etc.gen.nz       |  This space intentionally
                                 |        left blank.