[mythtvnz] Myth DVD creation

Steven Ellis mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Tue, 21 Nov 2006 16:32:31 +1300 (NZDT)

Hadley Rich wrote:
> On Tuesday 21 November 2006 15:20, Andrew Ruthven wrote:
>> On Tue, 2006-11-21 at 14:31 +1300, David Shepherd wrote:
>> > Steve, been meaning to ask you this.  How have you found 0.20 so far?
>> > I'm thinking of upgrading from 0.19 over the next week or so.  Is it
>> > stable and ready for prime/wife time?
>> I'm not Steve, but I've been having some issues with 0.20.
>> The backend now has a tendency to crash, whereas with 0.19 I had no
>> issues (I'm not using DVB-S yet).  And while watching recorded shows,
>> the frontend will sometimes lock up, this is repeatable with the same
>> shows.
>> Both of these issues are causing ... pressure to downgrade shall we say?
>> I'm running the latest .debs from Christian Marillat, which are from the
>> 0.20-fixes branch, svn revision 11627.  I've checked the more recent
>> revisions (a couple of nights ago) and there were no changes that would
>> affect either of these issues.
> Interesting, I'm running the fixes branch and have had many weeks of
> uptime.
> It's currently 3 weeks or so and the only reason I took it down was to
> install a DVB-S card.
> Since I disabled XvMC (I had frontend lockups and haven't bothered to
> investigate yet) I've had no lockups or crashes at all.

Yes I backported some XvMC changes from SVN into fixes that sort out some
of the issues. Also XvMC can get a bit cranky at 720p or 1080i depending
on the content, particularly if playing DVDs using the INTERNAL player.

Shame as XvMC just looks a lot better.
