[mythtvnz] CTV (CanterburyTV) EPG scraper anyone?

Steven Ellis mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Fri, 17 Nov 2006 20:35:58 +1300

Robin Gilks wrote:
>> Robin Gilks wrote:
>>> Since I get a reasonable signal from the SugarLoaf for this station, it
>>> would be nice if I could see what was on it.
>>> Does anyone have an automated scaper of any sort for it? (I can't find
>>> it
>>> on any DVB stations so no direct EPG data available).
>>> Cheers
>> Sounds like a job for OpenMedia and mythtv.co.nz. Want me to approach
>> them about an official feed?
>> Steve
> As my old granddad would say:
> "You won't get anything if you don't ask"
Consider it "asked" :)


Steven Ellis - Technical Director
OpenMedia Limited
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