[mythtvnz] MySQL server crashes

Adam B mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Sat, 29 Jul 2006 13:07:34 +1200

Hello all, I know this isn't NZ-specific, but I'm subscribed to and follow
this list and I'm hoping that somebody out there can help.

I'm running an Ubuntu MythTV server with latest updates - 2.6.15 kernel,
MythTV from a non-offical apt-get, MySQL 5.0.22.

MythTV seems to have serious problems with MySQL 5 - it forgets upcoming
records about once a day (takes a /etc/init.d/mythbackend restart to bring
it right), and a few other operations are buggy. The myth logs seem to show
MySQL crashing with a "Driver error was [2/2006]:"

I've read before that this might be due to MySQL timing out - so I've edited
the config to increase this value to something huge, but with little effect.

Can anybody provide any help with fixing this? Keeping in mind that MythTV
is from somebody else's apt source

Many Thanks,

----- SNIPPET OF LOG -----
2006-07-29 11:28:29.413 New DB connection, total: 2
2006-07-29 11:28:29.420 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host:
2006-07-29 11:28:30.314 DVB#0 Using DVB card 0, with frontend 'Philips
2006-07-29 11:28:30.340 New DB connection, total: 3
2006-07-29 11:28:30.348 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host:
2006-07-29 11:28:30.988 New DB scheduler connection
2006-07-29 11:28:30.997 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host:
2006-07-29 11:28:31.030 mythbackend version: 0.19.20060121-2 www.mythtv.org
2006-07-29 11:28:31.037 Enabled verbose msgs:  important general
2006-07-29 11:28:31.060 AutoExpire: Found 2 recorders w/max rate of 210
2006-07-29 11:28:31.072 AutoExpire: Required Free Space: 2.6 GB w/freq: 5
2006-07-29 11:28:33.027 Reschedule requested for id -1.
2006-07-29 11:28:33.208 Scheduled 8 items in 0.2 = 0.13 match + 0.05 place
2006-07-29 11:28:33.223 Seem to be woken up by USER
2006-07-29 11:28:39.419 Running HouseKeeping
2006-07-29 11:29:43.084 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Monitor
2006-07-29 11:29:43.090 adding: mythtv as a client (events: 0)
2006-07-29 11:29:55.282 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Monitor
2006-07-29 11:29:55.287 adding: mythtv as a client (events: 0)
2006-07-29 11:30:19.196 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Monitor
2006-07-29 11:30:19.201 adding: mythtv as a client (events: 0)
2006-07-29 11:30:42.134 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Monitor
2006-07-29 11:30:42.165 adding: mythtv as a client (events: 0)
2006-07-29 11:31:23.989 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Monitor
2006-07-29 11:31:23.998 adding: mythtv as a client (events: 0)
2006-07-29 11:31:40.110 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Monitor
2006-07-29 11:31:40.116 adding: mythtv as a client (events: 0)
2006-07-29 11:31:48.111 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Monitor
2006-07-29 11:31:48.123 adding: mythtv as a client (events: 0)
2006-07-29 11:31:59.004 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Monitor
2006-07-29 11:31:59.009 adding: mythtv as a client (events: 0)
2006-07-29 11:31:59.120 Reschedule requested for id 73.
2006-07-29 11:31:59.129 DB Error (UpdateMatches):
Query was:
DELETE FROM recordmatch WHERE recordid = 73 OR 73 = -1;
Driver error was [2/2006]:
QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query
Database error was:
MySQL server has gone away

2006-07-29 11:31:59.135 DB Error (CheckTooMany):
Query was:
SELECT recordid,title,maxepisodes,maxnewest FROM record;
Driver error was [2/2006]:
QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query
Database error was:
MySQL server has gone away

2006-07-29 11:31:59.141 DB Error (AddNotListed):
Query was:
SELECT record.recordid, record.type, record.chanid, record.starttime,
rtdate, record.endtime, record.enddate, record.startoffset,
record.endoffset, re
cord.title, record.subtitle, record.description, channel.channum,
gn, channel.name FROM record  INNER JOIN channel ON (channel.chanid =
record.cha                                                              nid)
LEFT JOIN recordmatch on record.recordid = recordmatch.recordid WHERE (typ
e = 1 OR type = 7) AND recordmatch.chanid IS NULL
Driver error was [2/2006]:
QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query
Database error was:
MySQL server has gone away

2006-07-29 11:31:59.145 Scheduled 0 items in 0.0 = 0.01 match + 0.01 place
2006-07-29 11:32:05.608 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Monitor
2006-07-29 11:32:05.614 adding: mythtv as a client (events: 0)
2006-07-29 11:32:12.445 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Monitor
2006-07-29 11:32:12.450 adding: mythtv as a client (events: 0)
2006-07-29 11:33:39.440 Running HouseKeeping
2006-07-29 11:34:14.747 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Monitor
2006-07-29 11:34:14.753 adding: mythtv as a client (events: 0)
2006-07-29 11:38:39.457 Running HouseKeeping
2006-07-29 11:43:39.470 Running HouseKeeping
2006-07-29 11:48:39.487 Running HouseKeeping