[mythtvnz] Manipulating Program Guide Information

David Zanetti mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Thu, 23 Feb 2006 12:20:37 +1300

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On Thu, 2006-02-23 at 09:13 +1300, Toby Mills wrote:
> We could also introduce some extra smarts and store information
> such as categories etc and munge them into the XML for programs that are
> on every week.

BTW, there is catagory data in the EIT, but the tool I'm using doesn't
parse it. Using dvbsnoop, I can see it. It looks like Sky are sending
it, tho EIT data on TVNZ's own transponder doesn't have catagories. (Sky
have catagories for TVNZ channels on their transponders..)

Fixing tv_grab_dvb is on my todo list.. (but, it's a long list :) )

David Zanetti <david.zanetti@catalyst.net.nz>
Team Leader, Systems Administration
Catalyst IT Limited
+64-4-8032233 +64-21-402260

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