[mythtvnz] Transcoding with KnoppMyth

AlanP mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Fri, 25 Aug 2006 13:07:31 +1200

Is there anything exotic I need to do to get it to just cut commercials out?

I've captured... uh... three hours of commercials and have made a cutlist 
in Myth of the bits I don't want, and set it transcoding with a few hopes. 
It errors out each time I try this. I haven't edited KnoppMyth's default 
settings at all for this, and I'm using files Myth has captured from a 
DVB-S signal, so why isn't it working?

Do I have to do something funky to get DVB-S MPEG-2 files to cut non-wanted 
parts out of the file *completely*? My intention is to wind up with a file 
I can burn to DVD in Nero.

Alan Podjursky                  ICQ 24423014
"Yay, evil evil! Happy torture!" -- Gwyneth
"When in doubt, use brute force." -- Ken Thompson