[mythtvnz] Problem with mythvideo

Wade Maxfield mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Fri, 11 Aug 2006 12:29:53 +1200

>Hi All
>My system is myth 0.19 on FC4 following the Jarrod guide.
>I have a problem with mythvideo in that it will start but behind the 
>video files display screen, the sound from the video is produced but 
>all I see on the screen is the list of files. The remote functions 
>will affect mplayer, eg I can pause it etc but I only know this from 
>the sound.
>If I then kill mythfrontend the video becomes visible.
>I am using the -ontop argument for mplayer but to no effect.
>I see in another list that this was an issue in V0.16 but was 
>supposedly solved in V0.17.
>Does anyone have any suggestions/solutions please?
>Jonathan Bell

Sorry not a total answer but have you tried xine?  I'm on FC4 using 
Jarod's guide as well, and this is what I have for my video command: 
xine -pfhq --no-splash %s

  - Wade