[mythtvnz] Re: DVB issues

Steve Hodge mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Wed, 9 Aug 2006 16:52:29 +1200

On 8/9/06, toby <toby@np.co.nz> wrote:
> > What site are using for internet downloads? I'm interested in getting some
> category data...
> http://desktop-1.no-ip.org/epgmce_files/listing2.xml
> Be careful, its not compressed!!
> This comes from a windows media center user I think but if somebody knows
> who set it up then perhaps you could talk to them about compressing a copy
> of it.

Oh, it's probably from that .net app someone linked to a while back.

> Alternatively perhaps someone could figure out how to get the categories on
> a linux box, I don't get warm fuzzies by downloading guide data from a
> windows machine for my linux pvr.

I have been messing about with tv_grab_dvb and have a version that
gets the categories in Sky's data. But they use non-standard
categories and also seem to be putting some ratings advisory flags in
there (e.g. contains violence, language, etc). Sky themselves don't
seem to use the categories in their decoders (at least I haven't found
it in my non-MySky decoder), and their website only uses the top level
categories. So I've got nothing to compare against. When I get this
stuff working nicely post it to the list.

> Now I have a DVB card myself i'd quite like to make my own guide data but I
> haven't quite figured out all the bits.
> Can someone post a script they use to do this, if I get it working then I
> might be able to figure out how to tweak it to set the right categories.

Check this out:

It's pretty much what I use, except that I load the file twice using
mythfilldatabase - once for the DVB channels and again for the Sky
channels on my PVR150. That way I know that the DVB channels and the
Sky channels have the same data so the MythTV scheduler can switch
between them without any problems when recording from One or 2.
