[mythtvnz] Re: DVB issues

toby mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Wed, 9 Aug 2006 16:17:48 +1200

> What site are using for internet downloads? I'm interested in getting some
category data...


Be careful, its not compressed!!
This comes from a windows media center user I think but if somebody knows
who set it up then perhaps you could talk to them about compressing a copy
of it.
Alternatively perhaps someone could figure out how to get the categories on
a linux box, I don't get warm fuzzies by downloading guide data from a
windows machine for my linux pvr.

Now I have a DVB card myself i'd quite like to make my own guide data but I
haven't quite figured out all the bits.
Can someone post a script they use to do this, if I get it working then I
might be able to figure out how to tweak it to set the right categories.
