[mythtvnz] Satellite with 0.19?

Adam B mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Mon, 10 Apr 2006 21:34:52 -0400

I know this is slightly off topic, but since the announcement of TVNZ/Canwest moving towards DVB-S i've been thinking of getting a card.

What card are you using and where did you source it from?


On Tue, 11 Apr 2006 10:33:00 +1200, "Steve Hodge" <stevehodge@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 4/11/06, Andrew Ruthven <andrew@etc.gen.nz> wrote:
>> Has anyone been able to tune in to the TVNZ channels on Optus B1 using
>> MythTV 0.19?
> I have DVB-S working fine in 0.19. I can't remember if I retuned
> anything since upgrading though or if it just worked from 0.18.1.
>> I can tune them using dvbstream and mplayer but the channel scanner in
>> MythTV is refusing to see them.  I've tried setting the LOF and initial
>> frequency in kHz as noted for 0.18.1.  But the setup screens say to use
>> Hz, which I can't use because the field in the database is too small and
>> 11.3GHz wraps round...
> Here's what I have in the db, for NASA-TV:
> channel has mplexid = 3, serviceid = 265, sourceid = 4,
> cardinput has (for sourceid = 4) lnb_lof_switch = 1, lnb_lof_hi =
> 11300000, lnb_lof_lo = 11300000,
> dtv_multiplex has (for mplexid = 3) transportid = 10, networkid = 47,
> frequency = 12483000, inversion = a, symbolrate = 22500000, fec = 3/4,
> polarity = v
> Hope that helps,
> Steve
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