[mythtvnz] OK - here we go!

Robert Fisher mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Thu, 1 Dec 2005 07:13:44 +1300

This new list has encouraged me to get started with MythTV (after much 
procrastination - I have had other things to do - finishing a new house, 
landscaping, starting a new business).

Nick Rout gave a MythTV presentation at one of our Canterbury LUG meetings 
this year and I decided then that I would do it.

We have a box used for playing media to our Plasma TV (eat your heart out 
Nick). First step is to decide wether to keep the same case or not. If it 
cannot be made quieter I may have to buy a new case.

Is Hauppauge PVR-250 / PVR-350 the way to go? My usual supplier only seems to 
show 150's on their website.

I will be using Gentoo. We already use Gentoo at home for our server, my PC 
and up to 3 LTSP clients.

Regards, Robert

Robert Fisher
(aka - Rob, Bob, Robbie, Robbo, Fish)
FishNet Computer & Electrical Services
Phone:	03 383 5807
Mobile:	027 477 3356