[mythtvnz] Introduction

sirlancelot mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Wed, 30 Nov 2005 16:21:21 +1300

Hi, I've just joined up, thanks for the invite Nick.

I am already a subscriber to cLug - so members there will recognise me, 
but for the rest of you, I live in Christchurch, I'm 45 with 4 daughters 
and a granddaughter (and long suffering wife of course, most of the 
suffering due to inordinate time spent tinkering with PC's  instead of 
lavishing attention on her ;))

Any way, great to have this list.  Media PC's, DVR's etc are a major 
interest, so looking forward to the interchange on this list.


Lance Blackler
(aka sirlancelot)