[mythtvnz] DVB-S

Steve Hodge mythtvnz@lists.linuxnut.co.nz
Fri, 2 Dec 2005 15:17:57 +1300

On 12/2/05, Nick Rout <nick@rout.co.nz> wrote:
> What are people using for DVB-S cards, and how much are they paying?

TechniSat SkyStar 2. A friend and I bought one each from German. Total
for two cards was 80 Euro. Shipping was another 35 Euro. Total NZD
cost was about $100 for each of us.

> 1. free tv1/2/maori off the Sky Satellite

Yes - Optus B1. Sky broadcast these channels unencrypted and TVNZ also
broadcast TV1 and TV2.

> 2. other stations - perhaps off other satellites

TVNZ's feed includes NASA TV, some German channel, and their own
widescreen test channel. I haven't looked at other satellites. I think
that makes the whole setup a fair bit more complex - you need either a
movable dish or multiple dishes.

> 3. EPG data.

It's great for that.

> I don't want to spend a whole heap, they seem expensive.

Only if you buy locally or need to buy a dish. As I said about $100
got me set up.
