[LUUG Publicity] Google Tech Talk: 29 Nov at Imperial College

Andrew Findlay andrew.findlay@skills-1st.co.uk
Thu, 25 Nov 2004 10:55:56 +0000

Urs Hoelzle of Google is speaking on Monday evening at Imperial. Looks
like an interesting event, though there does appear to be a recruiting

Here is the announcement from Google. Note that they would like you to
contact ukengineers@google.com to register your interest:

> You are invited to a Google Tech Talk
> HTML invitation: http://dev.pulsegroup.com/google/gl0262/
> Calling all UNIX/Linux systems administrators and engineers. Ever 
> wondered what makes Google tick? Or how, in a few short years, Google 
> has used technology to conquer the search universe?
> When: 29th November 2004
> 7pm-9pm, followed by refreshments
> Where: Huxley Lecture Theatre 311, Huxley Building ,
> Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ
> RSVP: ukengineers@google.com
> Urs Hoelzle, VP Of Operations & Google Fellow will give 1 exclusive 
> behind the scenes talk on one of the world's most exciting companies.
> You will also have the opportunity to talk to Google about exciting 
> jobs in engineering.
> Search is one of the most important applications used on the internet, 
> but it also poses some of the most interesting challenges in computer 
> science. Providing high-quality search requires understanding across a 
> wide range of computer science disciplines, from lower-level systems 
> issues like computer architecture and distributed systems to applied 
> areas like information retrieval, machine learning, data mining, and 
> user interface design. In this talk Urs will describe some of the 
> challenges in these areas, discuss some of the interesting applications 
> related to search that Google has developed over the past few years, 
> and highlight some of the behind-the-scenes pieces of infrastructure 
> that we have built in order to operate Google's services.

|                 From Andrew Findlay, Skills 1st Ltd                 |
| Consultant in large-scale systems, networks, and directory services |
|     http://www.skills-1st.co.uk/                +44 1628 782565     |