[LUUG Publicity] LUUG 31st Oct: Template Toolkit - Andy Wardley

Andrew Findlay afindlay@ukuug.org
Fri, 25 Oct 2002 11:10:02 +0100

    			The LUUG Lectures

    		  UKUUG - London Unix User Group

    Thursday 31st October 2002, 19:00
    Room 826, Institute of Education, Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL

    The Template Toolkit

    Andy Wardley
    Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.

    The Template Toolkit  is a collection of Perl modules, freely
    available from CPAN, which collectively implement a flexible and
    powerful template processing system. It combines the programming power
    of Perl with a simple template language designed for constructing
    presentation elements and formatting data. It promotes a strategy
    of clearly separating code from template documents and aims to be
    as simple as possible to use. It can be used to process any kind of
    textual input and is equally proficient generating LaTeX, XML or POD
    as it is HTML. Furthermore, it can be used in CGI scripts, other
    "offline" Perl scripts to generate static pages, or embedded in
    an Apache/mod_perl environment. The modules are implemented entirely
    in Perl and should run on any platform on which Perl is available.


    The LUUG lectures are sponsored by the UK Unix systems User Group.

    For further information on LUUG Lectures, contact Andrew Findlay:
    01628 782565

Here's that map again:

			      |   |  Euston      |   |               | B |
      |   |            Goodge |   |  Square   ^  |   |               | e |
      |   |            Street=|   |  Tube     |  |   |               | d |
      | C |             Tube  |   |              |   |  | |          | f |
   ---| h |-------------------|   |              |   |  |M|          | o |
      | a |  Goodge Street    | T |              | G |  |a|          | r |
   ---| r |-------------------| o |              | o |  |l|          | d |
      | l |          ||Spag   | t |              | w |  |e|          |   |
      | o |          ||House  | t |              | e |  |t| Institute| W |
      | t |          ||       | e |              | r |  | |   of     | a |
      | t |          ||       | n |              |   |  |S| Education| y |
      | e |          ||       | h |              | S |  |t|          |   |
      |   |Fitzroy   || Rising| a |              | t |  |r|          |   |
      | S |Tavern    ||    Sun| m |              | r |  |e|          |   |
      | t |-------------------|   |--------------| e |--|e|          |   |
      | r |  Windmill Street  | C | Store Street | e |  |t|   --------   ---
      | e |-------------------| o |--------------| t |--| |   |
      | e |                   | u |              |   |  | |   |  ---------->
      | t |                   | r |              |   |  | |   |  Russel Sq
      |   |                   | t |              |   |  | |   |  Tube
  ||  |   |-------------------|   |---------------   |---------
  ||  |   |  Percy Street     | R |Bayly St.         |Montague Pl.
  ||  |   |-------------------| o |-----.            |---------
  ||--|   |                   | a |     |  Bedford   |        |  Russel Sq.
  |---|   |            Cinema | d |     |  Square    |        |
      |   |                   |   |     |            |        --------------
      |   |                   |   |     |            |
      |   |                   |   |     ----------   |
		  Tottenham   |   |              |   |
		    Court     |   |              |   |
		    Road   |  |   |              |   |
		    Tube   V  |   |              |   |

For a more detailed map, see:

|                 From Andrew Findlay, Skills 1st Ltd                 |
| Consultant in large-scale systems, networks, and directory services |
|        http://www.skills-1st.co.uk/          +44 1628 782565        |