[LBC-news] London Barndance 13th February 20:00 UK time

Jane Curry jane.curry at skills-1st.co.uk
Sat Feb 13 19:15:53 GMT 2021

London Barndance 13th February 20:00 UK time

Caller: Bob Morgan
Music: Unusual Bands

There will be music, dancing, a quiz and a video.

You need Zoom to join the event. Here are the details. Feel free to pass
this on to people you know, but please don't post them on social media
or other public sites (we don't want to get found by the Zoom-bombers):


Meeting ID: 828 2542 6431
Passcode: contra

The main event starts at 20:00 but we will open the virtual doors at
19:50 and there will be music while people are arriving.

Play along with the band: if you would like to join in, have a look at
the sheet music on the event page:


The Tip Jar:

Most bands and callers have had no gig income since March this year.
We would very much like to pass some money to our performers, so
please contribute to the tip-jar:


See you on Saturday!

Andrew & Jane

Zenoss Master
Skills 1st Limited, 2 Cedar Chase, Taplow, Bucks, SL6 0EU, UK.
Registered in England & Wales, Company No. 3458854.
Tel: +44 (0)1628 782565	     Skype: jane_curry_uk
Email: jane.curry at skills-1st.co.uk   Web: http://www.skills-1st.co.uk
Copyright (c) 2021 Jane Curry < jane.curry at skills-1st.co.uk >.  All rights reserved.

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