[IET EC3 News] EC3 Lecture IMPORTANT UPDATE - Technology in Toys Thurs 28th Nov

Andrew Findlay andrew.findlay at skills-1st.co.uk
Wed Nov 27 10:58:32 GMT 2024

IMPORTANT UPDATE for this Thursday's talk on Technology in Toys:

	The University of Reading now charges for evening parking.
	If you are coming by car, please print and display the
	attached notice (or leave a note visible in the car saying
	what event you are attending). You should not be charged.

Technology in Toys - Making Magic!

How do they do that?? ✴ Many modern toys would literally look like magic
to our grandparents, but when you think about it, do *you* actually know
how they work? Warren Jacobs has been a toy designer for many years and he
is going to share some of that magic so come along and see how it is done:

Thurs Nov 28th 2024 at 19:30 (tea and biscuits from 19:00)

Van Emden Theatre
Edith Morley Building (No 1)
University of Reading
Whiteknights campus.

The lecture details are also in the attached poster and on the IET website:


Please use the registration system mentioned on that page to give us
an idea of numbers for catering. Don't worry if you forget, just
turn up on the night.

All welcome

|                 From Andrew Findlay, Skills 1st Ltd                 |
| Consultant in large-scale systems, networks, and directory services |
|     http://www.skills-1st.co.uk/                +44 1628 782565     |
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