[HTS-members] Remembrance

Roger roger at worthingtonia.co.uk
Thu Oct 25 14:46:16 BST 2018


The restoration work on our War Memorial is well under way and Adrian Powell
has managed to identify the full inscription that has been badly eroded. He
is also going to clean the Memorial at St Mary's Hitcham, funded by the
oversubscription to our original appeal. He is hopeful that it will all be
completed in time for the Remembrance Service.


Phil Taylor tells us that the bell at St Nicolas' Church will be rung at
12:30 during the Remembrance Sunday service as part of national remembrance.

Her Majesty's Government's ambition is for bells to ring out at 12.30pm on
11th November to commemorate the centenary of the Armistice which signalled
the end of the First World War. The Department for Digital, Culture, Media &
Sport wants bells - of any sort and in any location - across the country and
worldwide to join in, as is appropriate, to mark this historic occasion, and
very much hopes that Lord-Lieutenants will help to encourage engagement with
this initiative.

This will be a symbolic way to give thanks for the end of war 100 years ago
and will replicate the national outpouring of relief that took place at the
end of the war as news of the Armistice filtered through and bells which had
long been silent rang out. Bells ringing out at 12.30 will help mark the
shift in emphasis from Remembrance in the morning to thanksgiving in the
afternoon for the end of war and for peace. This will coincide with the
start of the People's Procession, as 10,000 members of the public march past
the Cenotaph in a nation's thank you.

            (Sir Henry Aubrey-Fletcher is Lord-Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire
for Trivial Pursuit Fans).


The official opening of the footbridge on November 2nd will be followed by a
firework display at 7pm 



Roger Worthington, Secretary HTS



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