[HTS-members] News updates

Roger roger at worthingtonia.co.uk
Thu Feb 25 16:13:39 GMT 2016

There is to be an extra Parish Council meeting on Monday 29th February.
Agenda attached.


The "Race to the Church" event is to be held again on the Bank Holiday
Monday, 2nd May.


Our web site now has a section on the footpaths within Taplow and their
condition. Please add to this as you walk them and find any problem.

See: http://www.taplowsociety.org.uk/twiki/bin/view/Main/TaplowInfo



Mill Lane Closure

Concerned residents are raising an e-petition to oppose the closure of Mill

This is at:

The Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) that formed the basic guidance for
the development of the Mill Lane site contains the closure of Mill Lane to
through traffic but with little substantive argument as to its
justification. It was introduced by Maddox Associates, consultants to
Barratts, who were the option holder during the earlier stages of the SPD
production. Transport for Buckingham (TfB) attended these meetings but did
not comment for or against the closure. Barratts intentions were always
towards a high density scheme and withdrew when it was clear that their
desired levels would not be approved.

Despite the SPD, there is not yet formal approval for the closure and TfB
will have to go through the process of a Road Closure with a public
consultation to determine it. At some point, presumably, Berkeley Homes will
apply to TfB for closure approval, triggering this. The Hitcham and Taplow
Society considers that this consultation is essential to settle the matter
in proper fashion.

It is to be expected that the default position of TfB will be to approve
closure. Those wishing to oppose the closure need to ensure that they make
clear to the Highway Authority that there are objections. This should be
done in advance of the consultation, targeting councillors as much as
officers. During the consultation specific points are required to be
formally made. These need to be prepared and planned ready for the

In addition to support of the petition, we would appreciate your direct
feedback to help formulate a response from the Society.


Roger Worthington, Secretary



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