[HTS-members] A Reminder

Karl Lawrence lawrencek28 at btinternet.com
Fri Apr 25 12:56:36 BST 2014

The deadline for the receipt of proposals for using the £100.000 ’windfall’ received by the Parish  from  Land Securities, the developers of the new Bishop Centre, is just five days away.

Proposal must be received by the Parish Clerk by 30th April. The criteria set by the Parish Council are that a proposal must offer permanent ‘legacy’ value, must benefit the entire Parish community, must be affordable within the amount of the ‘windfall’ and must not must not require any long term maintenance costs which cannot be met within the Council’s normal annual budget.

The Clerk has advised that any proposal which the Council considers fails to meet these criteria will be rejected and the proposer will be advised of its rejection.

The proposals meeting the criteria will be presented for consideration at the Annual Parish Meeting in the Village Centre on 20th May. Proposers will be allowed up to 5 minutes to present their idea. 

The Clerk has advised that the Council will determine which proposals it considers to be feasible at a full meeting of the Council on a date to be announced,.

Karl Lawrence

Chairman, Hitcham and Taplow Society
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