[HTS-members] FW: National Trust Planning For People Campaign

Karl Lawrence karlnuman at supanet.com
Mon Sep 26 12:52:01 BST 2011

To all members


Please read this message from the National Trust. The Society Committee urge
you to sign the Planning for People petition. Although Government Ministers
are giving assurances day-by-day that there is no intention to provide a
'Developers Charter' to build wherever there is an empty space, the new
Planning Proposals offer many loopholes. The crucial change in the new
Planning Proposals is that the Chancellor has decreed that in considering
all planning applications there shall be "a presumption in favour of
sustainable development" but the Proposals do not define "sustainable". The
Proposals regarding villages such as Taplow, located within the Green Belt
and embracing Conservation Areas, are open to disquieting interpretation
threatening open space and greenfield development.


Hold down Control and click on "launched a website" then click on "sign the


Karl Lawrence

Chairman, Hitcham and Taplow Society






From: The National Trust [mailto:editor at mail.nationaltrust.org.uk] 
Sent: 21 September 2011 16:49
To: karlnuman at supanet.com
Subject: National Trust Planning For People Campaign




 National Trust


 Planning for people




 Public notice. This area is under consideration for development.



Dear Supporter,

Thank you very much for supporting the campaign to urge the Government to
rethink its proposed planning changes.

We're pleased to see the recent intervention from the Prime Minister, who
has made it clear in a letter to our Director General, Fiona Reynolds, that
the planning reforms will serve the public interest by balancing social and
environmental benefits with those of the economy.

As important as this news is, we feel it is essential the Government does
not underestimate the strength of feeling among the population. Which is why
we are continuing to campaign hard and urge you to get involved. We will
also be responding formally into the consultation, so are keen to hear your
views so we can make them heard.




 <http://mail.nationaltrust.org.uk/cgi-bin6/DM/t/nBFFU0ay5xh0a4P0u28b0El> To
help you, we've launched a website







How you can have an impact:

First and foremost we need as many signatures on the petition before the
consultation closes on October 12*. We can't do this without your help, so
if you haven't so done already,
<http://mail.nationaltrust.org.uk/cgi-bin6/DM/t/nBFFU0ay5xh0a4P0u28b0El> get
signed up now.

If you've already added your name, please encourage your friends and family
to do the same.

write to your MP to tell them why this issue matters to you. The website
will enable you to find your MP and email them directly.

Or perhaps you want to
print out a poster to stick up, share or wave to tell the Government how you

All of theses actions will help make the Government listen to the growing
voice of people who want them to stop and think again.


Three reasons why you should you care:

*	Whoever you are, and whatever you do, the proposed changes to the
planning system in England will affect you and the places you live and work.
*	For decades, England's planning system has protected much loved
places from harmful development - and steered development to the places
where it's needed. Government reforms turn this on its head, using the
planning system as a tool to promote economic growth ahead of everything
*	England needs a planning system that combines long-term growth with
other important things like local character and space to breathe,
tranquillity and beauty. We need a system that serves all our interests,
from commerce to communities.

If you care about preserving the places important to you,
make your voice heard.


Thanks for being involved,

Andrew, James, Ingrid, Ben, Tamasine, Kate, Rob, Holly, Cass, Sarah, Marcus
and Claire.

The Planning for People team


P.S. One last thing - Don't forget to tell you friends about the website -
tell them how they can get involved on
Facebook and
Twitter, and if you want to join the discussions, make sure you use the hash
tag '#planning4ppl'.

* The official consultation ends on October 17 and we will continue to
gather signatures on the petition until this time. However we will be
heading to Parliament on October 12 to ensure the PM has time to hear to
your thoughts, so if you want to be heard, don't hang around!




National Trust, Heelis, Kemble Drive, Swindon SN2 2NA.

You have been sent this email because you signed up to be contacted about
our Planning for People campaign. If you no longer wish to hear from us
about this campaign, please
unsubscribe here. 

Privacy Policy -

If you no longer wish to receive any emails from us, please
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C National Trust 2011 - Registered Charity No. 205846 - The National Trust
is a charity and is completely independent of Government. We rely for income
on membership fees, donations and legacies, and revenue raised from our
commercial operations.





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