[GNUz] Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Rik Tindall ask at infohelp.co.nz
Thu May 8 00:48:39 BST 2014

> is working well in liveDVD session..
> But anything ('Unity') that removes the standard multi-desktop
> FOSS/Linux distro experience, ain't real GNU/Linux!
> Tests continue.
> Greetings.
> Six here at the monthly workshop

Seven showed up in all, one just to get the 12.04 LTS iso: no one had 
that with them, but the broadband onsite works well enough usually.

This post from a trusty 12.04 install - GNOME 'classic - no effects' 
option. Will use it until there's something worth migrating to - 
probably Mint 17 over 14.04.

On the Unity 14.04 I struck a bug where System Monitor (and then an 
installed Synaptic package) wouldn't display, though sidebar said they 
were running. Was this because I had a 32-bit Ubuntu DVD, running on the 
i3 quad-cores at the lab (that have 4GB RAM)? At home, on a Core2 Duo 
box, the same DVD didn't produce that fault (3GB RAM).

But I've tried a native install of this now, with Unity working as it 
wants to. First try of the MATE 1.8 unsupported mod isn't nice though, 
generating a boot error then having no panels or any control menus when 
it started. At F2 the terminal font was tiny illegible but "reboot" got 
me back to work eventually..

Will test the 64-bit 14.04 next.

> Regards
> Rik
> pp Freenix GNUz

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