[GNUz] [Linux-users] sfd11 info

Rik Tindall ask at infohelp.co.nz
Tue Aug 16 04:58:41 BST 2011

On 09/08/11 15:04, Ryan McCoskrie wrote:
> On Tue, 09 Aug 2011 14:55:26 Rik Tindall wrote:
>> Link-notes re 17 Sept SFD11 event to share with FOSS friends:
>> http://bethere.co.nz/community/2011/2809-software-freedom-day-09
>> http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/2011/NewZealand/Christchurch/SouthLibrary
>> http://www.infohelp.co.nz/sfd11.html
> Is anyone else on the list wanting to do something a little further North? If
> a few other people can give the places for alternative events I'm keen on
> helping as much as possible.
> I vote Rangiora Library as a venue. It's fairly large, already has a few Linux
> manuals on the primise and the general area could do with something of their
> own.

Good idea Ryan. Can you please check with Rangiora Library, and see what 
sort of facility we could have there for SFD? i.e. Is a PC lab 
available, or can we have a table with a power point indoors, etc. etc. 
I may be able to help you find some people to work with on 17 Sept, SFD11.

On a related note, I have been trialling a few alternative O/S's for 
SFD11 use.

Platform: Duron 700MHz, 500MB RAM, 5 out of 20GB hdd  for root partition /.

Xubuntu doesn't update well (so is gone), and I'm looking at what could 
still deliver the classic GNOME (-like), pre-Unity (Ubuntu) desktop 

So I'm quite impressed with "Google Chrome OS Linux": using June the 
release candidate. Is anyone on CLUG here liking it too?

OpenSuse runs very well in delivering Chrome OS, with YAST2 seeming much 
more robust than when I first tried Suse a few years ago. Updates keep 
improving the install, GNOME is how I want it, and the Chrome browser is 
the very latest "15... dev" version; whereas this Ubuntu 10.10 install I 
write from now has Chrome 13.0.782.112.

Main 'glitch' is that more user brainpower is expected for OpenSuse, 
with some complex configuration tools. A 'bootloader could not be 
installed because of the way the partitions are set up' error stumped 
YAST/me on several runs. But I overcame that by installing Lubuntu on 
another 5GB partition, which sorted out GRUB immediately.

Scorecard on space used: Chrome OS - 2.6GB; Lubuntu 10.04 - 1.4GB (from 
memory); that indicates which might survive the longest on restricted 
space. Lubuntu could be quicker too.

Have fun.

Kind regards,
Rik Tindall
pp www.SoftwareFreedomDay.org Team Christchurch 17-September-2011

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