[GNUz] SFD community

Sue McGaw gayton.gardens at xtra.co.nz
Thu Oct 16 05:28:44 BST 2008

 I n my opinion,
SFD is a world community day
 and  t shirts are just one point of advocacy.
 some people sit at home and do nothing
 other people get out there and try and share the message,
 GNUZ is one point in NZ where a community group try and reach others to 
share in GNU/linux matters
 so sometimes there is community content
 not just hobby tech stuff to a bunch of  keep-it-to myself hobbyists.
this years tee shirt is a great advertisement, and has created interest 
and comment whenever worn
 so in the interests of community and keeping the message out there,
i have no qualms about sharing tips for keeping things looking good
 cheers Sue
 PS i  have attended  nearly ALL the GNUZ meetings  and ALL the SFD 
days's and am grateful for all tech knowledge shared.

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