[GNUz] How does GLU/GNUz differ from CLUG?

Rik Tindall gnuz@inode.co.nz
Fri, 30 Mar 2007 00:31:11 +1200

Hey Pia,

Pia Waugh wrote:

> trying to slander my husband and then inferred that I am beholden to what he
> thinks. 

Not true. It was a reference for further info after you'd said you'd 
have no more to say. A provocative way to reverse that, admittedly. Will 
strive for a kinder style. :)

> Perhaps I shold just stay in the kitchen?

Having researched "FLOSS" at length, I now understand where you (both) 
are coming from with that - an academic/EU project to redress gender 
(etc) imbalance around FOSS. While I can only support the sentiment/s, 
we end up with a different 'kaupapa' (concern) there, that is 
problematic to graft onto SFD: "a global, grassroots effort to educate 
the public about the virtues and availability of Free and Open Source 
Software [FOSS]".

A lot has been invested in both projects already, and merging them 
easily cannot be assumed. I know you and the SFI are still new and 
developing SFD means, so a few difficulties here and there should be 
expected. But the chasm revealed on this topic appears to be about as 
deep as they come. E.g. see:

"European Union Public Licence (EUPL v.1.0)"

Suggest we continue discussion carefully. But thanks for opening it up.
