[GNUz] How does GLU/GNUz differ from CLUG?

Pia Waugh gnuz@inode.co.nz
Tue, 20 Mar 2007 04:57:20 +1100

<quote who="Rik Tindall">

> Pia Waugh wrote:
> [perpetuating the giant lie]
> Linux Australia                                     http://linux.org.au/
>     "If you have any trouble sounding condescending, find a Unix user to
>                    show you how it's done." - Scott Adams *

Would you like to start changing peoples quotes to better suit your
ideaology? How about I rewrite history and go all 1984 for you? It is just a
silly and humourous quote and isn't saying to use or not use Unix (not
FLOSS) but rather a humourous comment on Unix users.

> ; and you need to stop destructively _pushing_ the divisive, aggressive, 
> and oppressive minority view:

Rik, if you don't see how you are by your very actions and speech agreesive,
divisive and oppressive, then I can only feel sorry for you.

> Don't forget, "Linux" = treachery.

I can only consider your aggressive, paranoid, political, unrelenting,
uncompromising and overall extreme view as representative of this group
(especially as no one else has had anything to say in this discussion)
henceforth I am removing myself from this list. I deal with people from our
community all over the world on a regular basis from all areas of the
spectrum, and usually we can have a positive discussion underpinned by our
common values regardless of semantics or differences in how we do things.
You have made this very personal, inferred I am somehow hurting the movement
because I used some different language than you, and then going all out and
trying to slander my husband and then inferred that I am beholden to what he
thinks. Perhaps I shold just stay in the kitchen?

I will still stand along side you in a community that I am passionate about,
that broadly cares about the same thing, however I don't feel inspired or
positive about working directly with you and wish you good luck with your
quest to "unify as a GLUG"[1] through rampant destruction of everything and
everyone else.

[1] http://hackstop.org/index.php?title=Rik_Tindall&redirect=no

Nice links to your business. Hope that works out for you.
