[GNUz] Re: How does GLU/GNUz differ from CLUG?

Rik Tindall gnuz@inode.co.nz
Sun, 11 Mar 2007 22:00:02 +1300

Neil Stockbridge wrote re:

>> ..index of what hardware is open to Free
>   http://wiki.gnewsense.org/Main/RecommendedHardware
> ..although of course it's handy to be able to talk to someone local who
> has compiled the driver for a particular kernel too:
>   http://clug.net.nz/index.php/Hardware

I had this clug page in mind, with my comment.
Have started the editing accordingly.

Also, Neil - you are subscribed as gnuz@...ro, hence the delay on your 
post getting through, by it needing an approval.
