[GNUz] Re: Link for podcast

Rik Tindall gnuz@inode.co.nz
Thu, 21 Sep 2006 22:19:34 +1200

Hi again Karin,

A better answer is..

Rik Tindall wrote:
> Thanks for this Karin,
> Karin Purser wrote:
>> I haven't posted it to the Christchurch or LinuxNZ list
>> I thought you might like to do that.
> I won't, because "Freedom" is pretty much a dirty word on every major 
> *nix list in NZ, other than the above CC. Strange. That's why this one 
> was created http://lists.ourshack.com/mailman/listinfo/gnuz

..I'm still considering it, but know that either of us forwarding this 
will look like we're promoting our own interests. If someone else saw 
fit to pass it on, then offence would be less likely to be taken. :-)

LocalFOSS connecting with the NZ *nix scene is something I am most happy 
to assist with, however.

>> Interview with Rik Tindall can be found
>>  >>> http://www.localfoss.org/node/266
>> Cherio,
>> Karin

Here's an audio archive you've got just a couple of hours or a day to 
access, of prominent national interest (b4 it expires - 1 week):


Cheers & good luck,