[GNUz] Re: SFD Mind map update and Support...

Pia Waugh gnuz@inode.co.nz
Tue, 5 Sep 2006 09:46:15 +1000

Hi Rik,

<quote "Rik Tindall">

> It was a difficult matter at the time, and I allowed the dust to settle 
> before offering a reply - in the interests of mail peace and project 
> progress. But whatever damage may have been done in people's minds to 
> Software Freedom Day <http://www.softwarefreedomday.org> back then needs 
> now to be undone. And very much so.

Thanks for giving us some insight to the issue. We hope that everything has
cleared up or is at least amicable, and that NZ has the best SFD ever for


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     "Man is born free, yet he is everywhere in chains." - Jean Jacques