[GNUz] SFD Installfest

Rik Tindall gnuz@inode.co.nz
Mon, 21 Aug 2006 16:50:40 +1200

..is booked into the Sydenham Room of the SLC 
<http://www.library.christchurch.org.nz/South/>, for Sat 16/9 from 
12-4pm (exit by 4.30). All we need now is an Installfest Manager :)

I will be running the tuition suite, w/webcams etc.

If we get some buy-in from CLUG, then sense dictates that whatever the 
installer(s) want to recommend by way of distro is what the installee(s) 
will get - except for installee choice. Getting balanced spread over 
follow-up resources would see an evenish spread of KDE and GNOME 
desktops, I would hope. Not too difficult, eh? With any luck the SFD 
disks will be Ubuntu 6.06.1 so that'd be a boost for the underdogs :)

Any takers?

