[GNUz] [Fwd: [SFD-TC] Tshirts, balloons and CDs - status update]

Rik Tindall gnuz@inode.co.nz
Sat, 12 Aug 2006 18:49:33 +1200

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[SFD-TC] Tshirts, balloons and CDs - status update
Date: 	Sat, 12 Aug 2006 13:27:23 +1000
From: 	Pia Waugh <greebo@pipka.org>
To: 	team-contacts <team-contacts@sf-day.org>

Hi all,

just a quick status update on everything. We have ordered and picked up the
tshirts to be shipped. All teams will be receiving 2 free tshirts and can
order extra tshirts at $20 (Australian dollars and includes shipping) from
http://tinyurl.com/h3kgl and we recommend ordering them as teams so we can
include extra tshirts in the same shipment as your cds and such. You can see
what the tshirts are going to look like on the website above :)

If any teams cannot order through paypal or are from developing nations we
can sort out some extra tshirts by special request sent to info@sf-day.org
and we'll see what we can do.

Each team will be receiving CDs as requested and some balloons for their
event. We will be shipping everything within the fortnight to get to you all
in good time for the 16th, so make sure your tshirt orders by then and that
we have any change of addresses or anything by then.

I recommend you print up posters and pamphlets to hand out locally so you
can ensure the right languages and local information. There is artwork,
posters and flyers available at http://softwarefreedomday.org/Artwork so
check that out and choose what is best for your events :)

Also, make sure you all plan to have fun. Ensure that your volunteers have a
great time, and that the mood is light and fun. The happier your volunteers
are, the more successful your event will be.

We have 5 weeks to go everyone! :) I heartily recommend you all make sure
your event page on the wiki is up to date, and then do a big local
announcement about "one month to go" on the 16th August. That will hopefully
build interest for your event and get your local communities interested in
coming along.


Linux Australia                                         http://linux.org.au/
Software Freedom Day                          http://softwarefreedomday.org/ 

                "Women hold up half the sky." - Mao Tse Tung

Team-contacts mailing list

Anyone wanting a shirt please let me know (+ size). I'll put in the order shirtly ;-)

pp team-chch
