[GNUz] Re: [SPAM-Bowenvale] Re: Schoolzone RE: CLUG is dying

Rik Tindall gnuz@inode.co.nz
Tue, 01 Aug 2006 14:25:49 +1200

[switch-list tackle]

Don Gould wrote:
> Which question Craig?

All criteria 100% met.

Wrong header, wrong footer, right subject:
"User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060719) [=] Bowenvale SPAM"

Never to my knowledge has the CLUG list ever had to deal with banning an 
unrepentant SPAMMER, until this day.

<snip extended OT telecomms rant, belittling yet another experienced and 
respected *nix user>

> Infact CLUG is the single most alive Linux OSS FLOSS, FOSS, GUN list in 
> the country.

Is that because the rest won't talk to you anymore?

If it's 'GUN' as in ESR, then no wonder..

> It is extreamly colourful!

My Thunderbird has effective spell-checking built in. Doesn't yours?
Or has your mouth run away from your brain?

> We have people sharing views on both technical and cultural issues 
> related to the space.

This GNUz list is to help defuse any 'cultural' conflict, that just gets 
in the way of technical work. Perspective too easily gets lost there, 
too often. Technical expertise attracted to this project sub-division 
will be evidence that it works tho(ugh).

> I've been reading a book called 'Free As In Freedom - Richard Stallman's 
> Crusade For Free Software' by Sam Williams.
> I recommend you all have a read of it at some time.

I enjoyed it too.

> The point is made very well that this space isn't just technical.  It's 
> not just about software and hardware, it's about the world..

..Where people don't need more 'signal' pushed in their face. It just 
depresses their 'reject' button. I too fell into this hole, and got out 
(over here) ASAP: the recommendation is to 'stop digging'.

Thine agenda of attacking GNU, to advance commercial software coder 
interests, has been adequately demonstrated by thy tirades tho(ugh).

Canst thou perchance cease and desist?

> I am now subscribed to every lug list in NZ and a few others including 
> the NZNog List.
> We have more vibrant debate on issues than anyone else.

Only if we have to, or want to. Quiet, constructive decorum is de 
rigueur in CLUG. Please begin to respect this. It is never too late.

> Want my vote?  No CLUG is not dieing even a little bit...
> However, *yes there are some who are wanting to kill it* a bit...  the 
> ongoing threats that people will be delisted for sharing their views 
> when they're clearly not the view of the populouse is insane given the 

Louse or mouse, neither contribute.

> space we're in.  However, like normal non-confirmists, I'm sure those 
> people will simply rejoin the list just to prove the point, in the same 
> way that Richard Stallman used to break in to offices to libirate unused 
>  computer terminals (read the book).

That would not help anyone. When your drive is overt commercial 
exploitation, you run counter to USENIX community ethics (such as I have 
learnt them)..

> While we're on the subject of bullying thou....
> I had a very interesting conversation with one list member on the phone 
> yesterday who pointed out that there is an amount of bullying happening 
> on this list.

Yes, and it is undoubtedly your own. You articulate a rapidly commercial 
agenda, that is always snapping at the heels of freenix but rarely 
emerges from the social shadows. Others may have time for it.

> In a world where we're standing up for freedom and freedom of speech and 
> freedom from closed source software *it's just a joke* to suggest we're 
> going to close ranks and ban people who don't do what we say rather than 
> engage them in debate.

Not on CLUG-list please - it's the (informed) public face of free*nix.
But you are welcome to engage us on $WHATEVER here.

> Cheers Don

Kindness and compassion,