[GNUz] Re: [SFD-TC] Team Reports

Rik Tindall gnuz@inode.co.nz
Sun, 09 Jul 2006 01:40:01 +1200

Hi Pia,

Howzit going? We met at LCA06, and talked a lot about SFD.

We're slowly getting planning started here in Christchurch NZ, but we've 
struck a snag. The SFD website seems practically dysfunctional. People 
are making jokes about the forums full of link-spam pron etc. The 
gallery for 2004 is missing. It has a very neglected feel to it. A 
really undermining put-off.

What's going on with SFI? There's no word coming down through the 
mailing list, and it seems a bit of a mistake to have divided out 
linguistically. On balance, I wouldn't be surprised if the 
Spanish-speakers were feeling undervalued. Any dialogue is better than 
no dialogue, for developing community.

Having been with SFD from the start, it seems to me that resources and 
interest have been drawn away from the project since 11Sept2005. Into 
Ubuntu, I have assumed, which is fair enough in a way. I just expected 
things to leap forward again after the release of Dapper.

The forum garbage is badly obstructing any sense of coherent development 
for SFD06. Anything I can do to help? Moderator rights? - Happy to do 
bulk maintenance.

Well, that'll do for now. Just making contact.

Oh, and sorry about the Wallabies.
- They must have had the wrong brand of eye-liner ;-)

Pia Waugh wrote:
> Hi all,
> it is awesome to hear about all the great stuff that so many teams are
> planning for SFD06. I have only been on the board this year, and am very
> excited to be helping out. I ran an event in Sydney, Australia last year and
> I also helped coordinate a national approach in Australia, so we ended up
> with 15 teams nationally participating :)
> Anyway, I did want to ask everyone to do a couple of things for this year to
> ensure that the world can appreciate your efforts and to help SFD grow.
> 1) Please keep the wiki up to date with your team events so that people can
> see your team, participate and find the event when it's on. It is also then
> a good link to put on your web sites, posters and emails :)
> 2) We have a page for Team Reports
> (http://softwarefreedomday.org/TeamReports) and we are starting the process
> of getting all the old reports linked here. Please either link old reports
> you've done, or once you've completed events create a page here for your
> team. People interested in participating look at previous team reports and
> at the moment they are hard to find :) If everyone can take a minute or two
> to link to or write reports from previous events (even just a paragraph or
> two and a picture) that would be fantastic!
> 3) Anyone that wants to update information or contribute press releases,
> guides, posters, or anything else, they are all very much welcome!!
> Many thanks, and lets make this the best Software Freedom Day yet!


> Cheers,
> Pia

Go Italia! You were robbed - it should be the Socceroos in the final :)

Kind regards to you and Jeff, and SFI,

Rik Tindall, InfoHelp Services <http://www.infohelp.co.nz> on virus-free
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