[GNUz] The Future of Community Wireless

Don Gould gnuz@inode.co.nz
Tue, 20 Jun 2006 22:06:13 +1200

Rik Tindall wrote:

> Dwainsworld:
> "It=92s sad but true that the cause of community wireless networking is=
> one that has a limited future in Australia. Technically speaking there=20
> is nothing stopping the success of community wireless networks as it=92=
> a pretty standard formula to make data links work using WIFI technology=
> Community Wireless networking in Australia is simply dieing through=20
> lack of interest. In the present day where everybody is doing well,=20
> and our every desire from food to internet access can be instantly=20
> gratified nobody wants to put effort toward making a complex network=20
> of computers without financial gain  - especially when it=92s already=20
> been done by the internet..."
> http://www.mervin.net.au/wireless/template/index.php/
> from: http://www.freenetworks.org
> hth

Oh what a jolly joy germ :)

Yes I agree... if the only reason for wifi networks is to get internet=20
then it's pointless...

Au has a very different bb market to NZ now.  They also have some=20
annoying laws that make using it for profit much more painful.

Mobile networks are cheaper as well in Au.  Syd has 6 or more mobile=20
providers with competition everywhere.

There are also two other wireless networks with budget plans.

Building wifi is fun and a fantastic learning exercise.  As kiwi's we=20
need to do it so we learn and give our selves a technology advantage.

Cheers Don