[GNUz] Asterisk CD's available tonight

Don Gould gnuz@inode.co.nz
Thu, 04 May 2006 14:54:35 +1200

Nick Rout wrote:

>On Thu, 04 May 2006 14:27:03 +1200
>Rik Tindall wrote:
>>I'll bring speakers, and we'd probably be able to put this on after 
>>Dale's finished (+ Q&A), but wouldn't this make for a good full-blown 
>>demo at CLUG?
>>Happy either way, but prepare for a late nite.
>Only a sugegstion, if we don't have time we don't have time.
>Yes I'd like to see/demo a VoIP/asterisk system actually working! Taking
>voicemail, annoying callers with incessant menus, emailing voice
>messages to my inbox :-)
Yes I would like to see this done.  Jo and I just got wifi pdas and I'd 
like to see this all running together.

Cheers Don