[GNUz] "The Free Software Movement - Anarchism in Action"

Rik Tindall gnuz@inode.co.nz
Thu, 02 Feb 2006 17:37:52 +1300

Jim Cheetham wrote:

>On Thu, Feb 02, 2006 at 02:50:55PM +1300, Nick Rout wrote:
>>Richard Tindall wrote:
>>>Good reference piece, thanks Tim. Now, how should we proceed to 'share 
>>>the love' (to borrow a GNOMEism), so that everyone in the region has at 
>>>least heard of FOSS? It's hard to see past a central city lab/i-cafe, 
>>>offering training and community building founded on recycled materials. 
>>>- Anybody interested in helping set one up?
>>sounds interesting. not sure that chc has the population to support it
>>and make it economic.
I've always seen it as a matter of creating new demand. At LCA06 'foss 
in education miniconf', Maddog Hall gave a good description of how some 
urban renewal had been effected in New York by such means. He listed 
many special values supplied by innovating with foss in education, so 
now I know it's not just me that thinks like this.

News last night was Arthur Barnett's closing down, with surburban 
megastores & malls draining inner city of life. So I can see CCC & city 
business orgs getting behind something freely engaging disadvantaged 
youth with technology.

>>i have plenty of "recycled materials" if you mean "junky old computers gathering dust".
Finding spare gear would be the least of our problems, I'd bet. Hawking 
about for sponsor support from IBM, HP etc might surprise us.

>What about David Kirk's OSTC setup?
If you mean the premises, they're probably long gone. I did help David 
relocate the PCs to his garage tho. No idea what happened next.

I think we want a groundfloor shopfront, maybe High Street, with 
double-size space: office suite + workshop. An early project might be to 
offer an upgrade/refit to FOSS for St Albans Community Centre - would 
they want that Wesley?

CLUG could share the credit, and base installfest work at a permanent 
location. Get broadband in & SFD would be staying too.

Richard Tindall, InfoHelp Services <http://www.infohelp.co.nz>