[GNUz] A BSD / GPL license issue

Richard Tindall gnuz@inode.co.nz
Mon, 29 Aug 2005 13:46:10 +1200

Jim Cheetham wrote:

>g4l (GPL license) was purportedly stolen from g4u (BSD).
>This shows some ways in which the GPL and BSD licenses have to interact
>- it's not possible to fork a BSD itam and re-release it as GPL, because
>there are incompatabilities.
My reading is of an author-'author' dispute, only peripherally 
commentating on license types.

I am interested enough to see how the original g4u BSD license was 
composed, however. I know its later formal revision excluded perpetual 
'credit' clauses, which might make this a non-issue(?) The copyright 
protection should stand regardless, I'd have presumed.

The new maintainers might simply have stuffed up. Sh*t  happens.

Cheers, Rik

Richard Tindall, InfoHelp Services <http://www.infohelp.co.nz> 
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