[GNUz] Is there anyone out there?

Richard Tindall gnuz@inode.co.nz
Thu, 17 Feb 2005 14:28:57 +1300

Martin B=E4hr wrote:

>On Wed, Feb 16, 2005 at 02:09:20PM +1300, Ralph Stoker wrote:
> =20
>>Just testing my mail setup for the new gnuz group...
>>   =20
>*hearing a faint voice from a distance ask*
>>So is anyone out there?
>>   =20
>*jumping up and down*
>over here!
>*waving arms*
>*not getting any reaction*
>*disappointed crawling back into hiding*
>greetings, martin.
> =20
Sorry I'm late in joining / greeting Ralph's thread.. welcome aboard.

I'm just getting some energy up for clearing 900+ accumulated mails out=20
of my Inbox..
A few are spam eluding filters, + clients / enquiries, some are NZOSS,=20
but most are CLUG.
All the latter three are highly readable, but I'll be filtering the last=20
two to optional-read folders from now on.
I see GNUz as a filter-focus for the most important theme: (Gnu/)Linux=20
That concern comes from an historical perspective of communications=20
technologies vs monopolist leverage.

And Hi Martin, what's the view on software patents from over your way?
It feels like it may quickly become a lost cause, from here. (US trade=20
leverage over our Govt.)
Hard to say what the eventual effect will be on our favourite OS;=20
gradual erosion? (of freedom to write drivers & file format readers,=20
comms protocols?, etc, in the coming future).

Of course we'll concentrate on spreading and deepening Gnu/Linux=20
utilisation skills, here & now, in the GLU workshops.
We want that option to be long-lasting, but nothing is truly guaranteed=20
in the marketplace. Except that success rules.


Richard Tindall
InfoHelp Services